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First, given Prof Cherian George’s stellar academic credentials, you wonder why he was not grabbed by HKU’s journalism school, a top uni in Asia, but preferred to ply his trade in the lower ranked HK Baptist U? In fact, he was often invited by HKU to speak at seminars previously.

And if there was any political games being played, why is the system so cruel to a relative of a key member of the cabinet?

So what good would it do for NTU and Singapore if Prof is not given tenure in Singapore and now able to rant freely in HK? Keep your friends close and enemies closer…

TODAY Article by Neo Chai Chin:



The ongoing tension in Hong Kong between pro-democracy group and HKSAR government over the future administration of Hong Kong is partly sustained by Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union(HKCTU), an independent union movement in Hong Kong.

Singaporeans are not aware that the Secretary-General of HKCTU, Mr Lee Cheuk-Yan, once led a protest in Singapore Consulate in Hong Kong in December 2012. That protest demanded Singapore government for the immediate release of the SMRT bus drivers who were involved in the strike in November 2012.

Lee is now being accused of being funded by International Labor Solidarity, an organization under National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It is open knowledge that NED receives its funding from U.S Department of State.

Jolovan Wham managed to instigate Panasonic factory workers to gather for a sit-in protest outside Ministry of Manpower in 2012, and he was actively involved in “fighting” for the rights of SMRT bus drivers who were involved in the illegal protest.

Why is Lee, a Hong Konger and a politician interested in SMRT bus strikes?

What is the connection between Wham and Lee and SDP and the State Department of United States?

REBLOGGED: Singapore Armed Forces versus cynics and critics in the halcyon days of peace

http:// /2012/05/singapore-armed-forces-versus-cynics.html

Singapore Armed Forces versus cynics and critics in the halcyon days of peace

Not everyone will love thy neighbour.

Love ’em or hate ’em, it does not matter for Singapore’s citizen soldiers. The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is bound by oath to defend Singapore all the same.

SAF warfighters can choose their targets but not whom they choose to defend. From a tactical standpoint, it is impractical for Singaporean soldiers deployed for action to single out individuals, property or grid squares of Singaporean real estate they will hand over to the aggressor(s) willingly without a fight.

The sad truth about people like Melvyn Tan, who defaulted his full-time National Service and turned his back on Singapore to build his career in London, and Zheng Huiting, who became a social pariah after she made a remark discrediting Singaporean soldiers, is that they may have the last laugh as they still enjoy the protection and services provided by the SAF and Home Team.

If and when they are in town and are in peril, the SAF will not turn its back on such people.

When the SAF swung into action in March 1991 to rescue passengers and crew aboard the hijacked Singapore Airlines Flight SQ117, Special Operations Force commandos made it a priority to rescue every friendly soul aboard the airliner regardless of their political affiliations, feelings towards the SAF or level of commitment to defence (C2D). Even the most fervent and acid-tongue critic of the SAF would have been saved from harm by the SAF during Operation Thunderbolt.

The mission to evacuate Singaporeans from embattled Cambodian capital Phnom Penh in 1997 during Operation Crimson Angel also made no distinction between the level of support for C2D. A Singapore passport was all that was needed for Singaporeans to book a seat aboard the stream of Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) C-130s sent for the non-combatant evacuation operation that flew them home.

Singapore Army warfighters tasked to form a contact tracing cell during the SARS crisis in 2003 performed their duties professionally and diligently without caring a hoot whether or not Singaporeans appreciated their efforts. The soldiers, many of whom were full-time National Servicemen trained as intelligence specialists, planned, conceptualised and implemented a process to trace people who were thought to have come into contact with carriers of the deadly SARS virus. The NSFs did so without the benefit of any template and got better at the no-notice, no rehearsal task as the life-saving operation unfolded.

Despite all this, Singaporeans are all too quick to bitch about, abuse and criticise the national defence apparatus that has been the silent sentinel responsible for the Lion City’s security, survival and success. We have made an art of heaping scorn and ridicule on anything SAF-related, happily exerting brain cells to come up with the most witty or sarcastic retort to official statements or policies while exposing a child-like naivette about political undercurrents that swirl around our island nation.

We do not seem to care that the joint Malaysian-Indonesian airdrop during the Malindo Darsasa 3AB war games, done within sight of Woodlands on National Day in 1991, was the kind of madhouse political brinkmanship that would be replayed time and again if not for the SAF’s readiness for operations.

Scores of SAF regulars, NSmen and NSFs who stood on guard during Indonesia’s amphibious landing exercises on Pasir Panjang on Bintan island in the 1980s knew the true meaning of siege mentality that Singaporeans love to sneer at. Live ordnance hung from RSAF warplanes with pilots at immediate readiness for takeoff as the SAF tracked Indonesian amphibs to see if they made landfall in their own territory or steamed further on within striking distance of Singapore’s coastline.

No one appears to be bothered that interceptions of sand and granite barges in sea lanes around Singapore could have presaged interceptions of vital supplies, if not for the SAF’s air and naval forces that kept potential aggressors from provoking Autostrike.

The tenor of critics is directly proportional to the amount of pluck commentators get from dishing out their anti-establishment tripe from the (supposed) anonymity of Internet pseudonyms. When corrected, many slink away quietly and surrender the argument, brittle egos intact as they never had the conviction to put their name to the arguments in the first place.

Many would bitch and do so with alacrity and colourful language, but few would dare stand up and take responsibility for their points of view or for the consequences of a certain course of action.

Our society’s complacency, fortified by more than four decades of deceptive peace, has made the job of defending the Lion City all the more challenging as the SAF fights to explain its relevance with no immediate conventional threat on the horizon.

In halcyon days of peace, our biggest enemy is our own complacency.

If Singapore is anti-LGBT and oppresses the gays like what some GAY ACTIVISTS are saying…


If Singapore is anti-LGBT and oppresses the gays like what some GAY ACTIVISTS are saying, why these gay venues were allowed to operate? Some of these venues are “saunas” with “dark room” facilities.

Take for example, the gay sauna Rairua (which some netizens claimed that Alex Au was the owner?) has weekly “nude” nights on Saturdays on its roof tops. It was equipped with “dark room”.

Some of these gay establishments are kinky.. LOL “Y Club 俱乐部桑拿” has a maze!

Screenshot taken from:


1,地铁站Clementi MRT Station站内的厕所

2,One Seven桑拿浴


地址:CLUB ONE SEVEN SINGAPORE 在新国会大厦的河对面17 Upper Circular Road电话:(+65) 6223 0017
搭乘地铁在Clark Quay站下车,本会所就在该站的‘E’字出口处的对面那排店屋17号。

3,Towel Club桑拿

新加坡最新最大的同志桑那是在City hall地铁站附近的Towel Club,是新加坡人气最旺,最多俊男的地方,比香港所有的桑那都漂亮,是新加坡首选之地,包你流连忘返。

地址:6,Loke yew Street.电话:6336 6328



地址:118Neil Road。在牛车水附近。outram park地铁站下车。走十分钟。电话:63246256


地址:45 Ann Siang Road #02-02,电话:62222252

6,Y Club 俱乐部桑拿

第一层:两台无限上网的电脑,60寸大电视机,咖啡角落,联合早报,柜台提供冷热饮品和杯面($1) ,可免费获取安全套和润滑剂(水性,非油性),脚底按摩器,饮水机(提供冷水和热水),跑步机,举重机,休息场所,冲凉房,厕所。

第二层更衣室(普通衣橱尺寸40x 40x 40 公分;大号衣橱尺寸40x 50x 50公分须多缴5毛钱),私人房间,蒸气房(附带冲凉和厕所)。


地址:史密斯街16号(16A Smith Street)。最靠近的地铁站为“牛车水地铁站” Chinatown MRT Station (5分钟路程) 和“丹戎巴戈地铁站” Tanjong Pagar MRT Station (10分钟路程) 。电话:(65)6221- 4690

7,NUS Sport Recreation Center浴室
新加坡:最著名的同志场所 – 佛男 – 佛男的博客
NUS SRC,有晚上锻炼的人会在那边的更衣室洗澡,也自然吸引了同道中人的眼光。

地址:National University of Singapore Sports & Recreation Centre

8,Fort Road / East Coast Park 东海岸公园
新加坡:最著名的同志场所 – 佛男 – 佛男的博客